Wether you are short of space or the kids have flown the nest and you need to move home, here’s a list of the top reasons we see that people move home……
Not Enough Space
Whether it’s the impending arrival of a child, getting a dog or parents moving-in, one of the main reasons for people moving home is that they need more space. They may need more internal space, garden space, or both. If your home appeals to these types of buyers, ensure that you make the most of this by de-cluttering and presenting all rooms for the purpose that your buyer will need them.
Whether it’s moving to their dream location, ideal property type or wanting a brand new property with all the mod cons, sometimes your buyer will have found themselves in a position to upgrade from their existing home or perhaps through a promotion or pay rise, and they will be looking for a better home than they already live in. Emphasising the features that those buyers are looking for, whether it’s the view or the prime location, it will get their attention and interest.
Buyers will often move because they have to relocate, often owing to a change in their family circumstances or employment. They may be relocating to be closer to work or public transport links, but it’s more likely that they will be moving from further afield. It is worth keeping in mind that your potential buyer probably won’t be as familiar with the area as you are, so highlight the positives of your area that will benefit them personally.
Empty Nest
There’s no doubt that people form a strong emotional attachment to the family home, but often when the kids have grown up and flown the nest, parents choose to downsize and to look for somewhere more affordable, manageable and that they can make their own. If this is your buyer, accessibility and easy maintenance may be a factor that influences their purchasing decision.
School Catchment Area
Everyone wants the best possible education for their children and school catchment areas are a top priority for many property buyers. Properties which are within a few meters of each other can attract very different prices owing to the school catchment area that they fall into. If you are fortunate enough to be selling a property in a great catchment area, your ideal buyer may be someone to whom this matters. If you are outside the school catchment area, focusing on other selling features, or appealing to people whose children are already in a nearby private school, will be your best bet.
Friends and Family
Some home movers simply want to move to be closer to friends and family. Your potential buyer may just have retired and be looking to move closer to their children or they may be moving back home having worked abroad for a few years.
If you are thinking of selling your home, the first step will be to obtain a property Home Report. Our team would be delighted to carry this out for you at a time to suit you. You can drop us an email at info@homereportcompany.co.uk or call us on 0131 608 0175